I reckon I was channeling my inner Illini fan when I made this. I saw the orange fabric (cotton quarter purchased at Hancock Fabrics) and really thought it was cute. So, then my partner-in-crime suggested a dark blue lining for a good contrast, and from there I found the super cute velvety blue ribbon (actually purchased at Michael's) and blue zipper. With a zipper factored in, this was probably the trickiest project I've worked on so far.
It's not a perfect project, but I think I did OK. I know of a couple things I can do differently next time I make a little zip pouch, so the next one will be a better bag. (For example, I should have probably trimmed down the seams some so the lining would lie flatter after stuffing it in.)
And there it is...The Zip Pouch. Spitze!
You're certainly giving Susie a run for her money. Good job, Sis, you're making me proud.
I've gone a little bit sewing crazy since we completed the first project in the Snicklefritz Sweat Shop. I finally finished my procrastin' p.j. pants. Then I had that other project to finish (as yet to be seen here) and then I had that book from you...I tell you, Sis, I've got the fever!
So, most of my recent free time has been devoted to sewing rather than some of my other leisure activities. It sure doesn't hurt either that my partner-in-crime is a sewing genius. (He actually had to take Home Ec! Which I am now thankful for, as I was pretty clueless on how to run a sewing machine.)
But, Sis, you are not a slacker. You just have two weeks to finish that project though... :^)