Just a T-Shirt and Jeans Guy

Namaste, Snicklefritz fans!

The summer-time-crafting-binge is upon us now, for Herr Snicklefritz is about to turn in his last paper this very evening.

Additionally, the Snicklefritzes have been collectively rather busy as of late (not blogging though) so watch for a flurry of updates in the coming week or two because we've got back-crafting to blog about.

At any rate, Herr Snicklefritz has two major projects that he's accomplished as of late.

1) He's finally gotten photo-emulsion screen printing to the point where it looks respectable, so he made t-shirts for his growed-up spelling-bee team: The Wor-Wic Wordsmiths. This means he made five for his team mates and himself, one for his dear wife, and after his little brother saw them, he insisted that he get a shirt too, so seven in total.

Unfortunately, the screen was left a little too long with the emulsion on it, so it's impossible to clean up now. So, the screen printing will be at  a standstill until more screen material can be acquired.

2) The other big project of late has been a pair of jeans!  This was a pretty big deal as the only other wearable that he's constructed has been a shirt. 

These came from Burda's 7733 pattern, and I made them pretty much as is, but without a zipper on the back pocket.  Still, it was not too tricky, jus ttime consuming.  The jeans came out almost like a pair of jeans. The zipper bunches a little, and they were a hair to big, so they had to be trimmed back and altered at the last minute (I'll know better next time) but all in all, they're like a pair of jeans.


ASLTerp said…
I like the Wor-Wic tee; was it your intention to make the last 's' fade out like that? Or was that a trick of the screening process?

Nice pants, you Snicklefritzes are leaps and bounds ahead of my sewing skills.
I'm sure the Chuck will add to this answer, but the fade-out "s" was not intended. That's just how the screen developed. Fortunately when printed, it just looks like a distressed t-shirt and not like a craft project gone astray.
Unknown said…
What she said.

I just didn't get the last part of the "S" washed out, so it looks all vintage faded.

I liked the way it turned out, and my li'l brudder even requested one.

As a footnote, we also won the spelling bee--no thanks to me.