My First Sewing Project

I made some pajama pants! (I used the pattern #3314 from Butterick.)

I got a sewing machine for my birthday last year, and I have finally finished my first project! (It only took me a year.)

Now I'm having so much fun, I thought I'd start a blog about my sewing projects. I'll share where I get great ideas from and I'll show pictures of my projects. I hope that I'll get feedback, suggestions, and ideas from other sewers too! (Feel free to email me!)

Watch for the updates. They should be coming fast and furious because I've been sewing like crazy since I finished these.
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ASLTerp said…
You're looking totally hot in those pajama pants...especially with those mosquito bites from our trip to the zoo.
Glad to see the pants fit okay.
Unknown said…
I might even say that you look, "Smokin' hot!"

Especially if I were Kim's old roommate and still flying high (or coasting gently down) after some wedding festivities.
Anonymous said…
OOH, lookie at that snicklefrizzies she sure sew'n dem up good!!
Hooray for comments!!

Yep, the pants fit pretty well. They were a little big...I got a little nervous when I read in my Sewing for Dummies book that sometimes patterns are sized smallish. So, I ended up making the medium size, which ended up kind of big (rather than the small, which was the original plan). But, they're p.j. pants, so I'm cool with the roominess.
ASLTerp said…
So, if you were to make another pair of pants, using the same pattern, would you size them smaller or leave them as is?
Good question. Since the medium size was the biggest size on the pattern (if one needed a large or XL, one would then have to purchase a new pattern for those sizes), I could make it a little smaller, I think, and still follow the actual pattern. Or even cut it out to the medium size pattern but modify it here and there, if needed??

As to whether I would make a smaller size next time...that depends on how much birthday cake I eat. :^)

Seriously though, when I cut the pieces I thought, "Holy goodness, those are pretty big." But when you factor in the seams, it was not so bad. The waistband is elastic, so that totally helped, too. (In fact, while threading the elastic through the waistband was a huge ordeal--it was for me anyway--my partner-in-crime said that it was one of the best looking waistbands he had seen.)

I also had to mess with the hemline some because even though I followed the petite instructions, it was still a rather long capri pant.
ASLTerp said…
It was one of the best-looking waistbands he'd ever seen because he was the one threading the elastic through, right?
So, you could probably make shorter pants then, too, by just hacking some of the fabric off of the bottoms of the legs and hemming it up?
I suppose since you are the sewing expert now, it would be no problem for you to incorporate all of these modifications into your next PJ pants project.
Actually, Butterick pattern #3314 is for full-length, capri, and short pants and also a tank top. So, one could make different lengths via the pattern. It even has a few embellishments shown on the pattern, like lacey hems and ribbons, etc.

Ha ha! I'm no expert. I'm sure you could cook up some own modifications for your projects, too! :^)