The first picture shows some basic supplies. The PIC made the frame from some 1x3x6's and screening, all from one of his favorite stores (which we sadly do not frequent often, as we live in an apartment) the Home Depot. Also from the Home Depot, we bought some polyurethane to coat the wood, making it waterproof. Also, some nails, etc. We bought the Rubbermaid tub at Target; we found one that is just the right size for the frame the PIC made.

Here Mr. Snicklefritz is ripping up paper to make the pulp. He should have left that job for the expert (me). We used credit card applications and other sensitive documents to make our paper pulp. Hey, we're recycling! The pulp is made of shredded paper and some water.

Now the PIC is blending the paper and the water to make pulp. Or maybe this is just a shot of him making a milkshake? Mmm, tasty!

Dumping the pulp into the tub, which already has some water in it.
Stay tuned for more crazy paper-makin' hijinks!!
Did you guys ever get that paper shredder Mom always harps on you about? Because I got one as a wedding gift (just what I've always wanted). What size of shredded paper do you need for your paper-making? And really, I should probably be posting this on someone else's blog, seeing as he gets a little snarky when I post comments on this blog and not on his. Anyway, I was just going to say that if you really want to make a lot of paper, I could send you all of my shredded credit card applications.
There should have been four pictures. None of them loaded? Or did they load and you ALSO saw little red boxes?
We have a paper shredder, but it's just strips, no cross cuts.
At any rate, we have quite a bit of our own credit card applications. I think everyone should make their own paper out of them. It's great fun!