O, Spring!

Hooray! I finally have some full-fledged flowers on my azalea! There are tons of buds, so I'm super excited. The azalea was looking really sketchy over the winter (and winters aren't as cold here as in the homeland!), so when I saw some new little leaves sprouting up and then some pink buds, needless to say, it was cool. And, OK, so this isn't anything crafty that I made (it's the handicraft of the Lord), but I wanted to share some pretty flowers. For those of you who are interested, this is a Girard's Crimson Azalea, which I purchased last spring.
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ASLTerp said…
The azalea's looking good. Didn't you once tell me that azaleas are poisonous to your cats? Umm, should I be contacting the ASPCA? First the blender on the floor and now the azalea? What's going on out there?
What's going on out here? We're trying to off our cats, that's what. Oh, I mean, um, the azalea is out on the, ah, balcony, so we, um, no longer let the cats out there because, um, we don't want them to accidently get sick from eating the plant or anything.

There's no diabolical plans going on out here...not at all...NONE...

*maniacal finger tapping*