das Brot

Quite some time ago, I was reading Amy Karol's blog, Angry Chicken and I heard about a book called Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day by Jeff Hertzberg and Zoe Francois. It sounded so neat that I checked it out from the library, read through the introduction, and paged through the recipes. I liked what I saw so much that I promptly added it to my Christmas list. My brother and sister-in-law love me so much that they honored my wish and picked it up for me! So, for the past month or so, we've been making little loaves of fresh bread on an almost daily basis when we've got the dough made up! We've only made the basic “Master Recipe” so far, but it is delicious! We've thoroughly enjoyed about ten loaves already.

The loaves even "sing" or crackle, audibly when you get them out of the toasty oven and put them on the cooling rack. It's so awesome!

We've got the ingredients to start making rye, but we just haven't gotten around to whipping up a batch of dough. Perhaps this weekend will finally be our chance. The PIC says, “Rye toast is like steak for vegetarians.” He's not, by the way, a vegetarian, but he is pretty darn close in his picky tastes.

Pickiness aside, though, this is some tasty bread. The crust is crunchy and golden brown (think Panera's bread-bowls), but the inside is chewy and delicious -- just what you want from some good homemade bread, and it's really quick and easy!
