G-arrrrrr-den (for all you pirates) Update II

The fence is up, the seeds are sewn, the first good watering has been applied, and now we start the weeding and waiting. We are trying to get a border of onions around the edge of the (anti-rabbit) fence because we heard that onions will repel a bunch of pesky bugs. We'll see how that piece of folksy wisdom works out.

Hopefully we'll soon see signs of life! (The seed packages estimate 8-10 days for most of the seeds' germination times.)

We planted carrots, onions (red and white) peas, cucumbers, peppers (bell and chili), lettuces (leaf and greens), and onions.

In the flower bed we inherited just off the deck, we also added a tomato plant to the free range asparagus that we've got showing up.

See the picture?

Is it just me or does asparagus look like an alien when it starts peeking out?

At any rate, thanks for reading.

P.S. We love comments, suggestions, questions, concerns, healthy criticism, and advice. It lets us know that we still have readers, so show us some love.


Amanda said…
Yay for gardening! I briefly had the idea to do raised beds in cheap-o plastic kiddy pools but after I killed a succulent and a cactus last summer, I gave up on the idea of gardening in the desert. Best of luck with your veg!
Well...we just started, so we'll have to see if we get anything or not. But it's been fun so far! :o)