The Update!

Hello! Here's my cross-stitch update for the week. It's a little belated--I haven't worked on it for a few days and am just now getting around to posting. (I was excited about my most recent sewing project, so that took a little precedence to the cross stitch update.) Most of this progress was made over Veterans' Day weekend.

And...ah ha! It's quite obvious now what I am stitching. No, it's not the Snicklefritz Family Crest, but maybe I will actually do that someday. :o) In the meantime, there's still more work to be done on this project...

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ASLTerp said…
Hey, I just saw the video up on your PIC's blog of your work-in-progress project, which is apparently taking over your apartment. As though you guys seriously even have room to live in that apartment, you have so much stuff. True Story: I helped you move everything into that apartment, with a few exceptions, so I know how much stuff you have. And by stuff, I mean bookcases.

But anyway, that film got me thinking...does this mean that there can now be a Snicklefritz sewing "how-to" show? Like that PBS show, "Sewing with Nancy," or whatever?
ASLTerp said…
So, that last comment wasn't really connected to your current blog post...

Will you be stitching the border around your strawberries to make it look like a stamp? Or are you going without? And what do you plan on doing with the project once it is completed?
Yes, I'm planning on stitching the complete pattern, which does include the border and postage rate. I will try my best to get an update posted tomorrow (Thursday).

And yes, I suppose it is possible to have a "how-to" show. I hadn't really thought about it, but that might be kind of fun. Although, I'm no sewing expert, so any video would likely be me sewing a project without much actual instruction. But who knows? (And, true story: the PIC is creeped out by Nancy.) At any rate, video updates might make an appearance on the Crafty Snicklefritzes!
Unknown said…
I sure wish that people who are actually commenting on material that is posted on my blog would comment on my blog.

It would make me feel loved...or at least respected.