Hello! Here's my cross-stitch update for the week. It's a little belated--I haven't worked on it for a few days and am just now getting around to posting. (I was excited about my most recent sewing project, so that took a little precedence to the cross stitch update.) Most of this progress was made over Veterans' Day weekend.
And...ah ha! It's quite obvious now what I am stitching. No, it's not the Snicklefritz Family Crest, but maybe I will actually do that someday. :o) In the meantime, there's still more work to be done on this project...
But anyway, that film got me thinking...does this mean that there can now be a Snicklefritz sewing "how-to" show? Like that PBS show, "Sewing with Nancy," or whatever?
Will you be stitching the border around your strawberries to make it look like a stamp? Or are you going without? And what do you plan on doing with the project once it is completed?
And yes, I suppose it is possible to have a "how-to" show. I hadn't really thought about it, but that might be kind of fun. Although, I'm no sewing expert, so any video would likely be me sewing a project without much actual instruction. But who knows? (And, true story: the PIC is creeped out by Nancy.) At any rate, video updates might make an appearance on the Crafty Snicklefritzes!
It would make me feel loved...or at least respected.