Hope everyone out there had a wonderful Turkey Day! Here at the Snicklefritzes', we celebrated Thanksgiving in our traditional German way: we made lasagna! (Perhaps I should mention here that the Partner-in-Crime is not really my partner-in-crime when it comes to eating turkey...) So, lasagna. Whatever the tradition, we had a very nice holiday.
I also got crafty today and made a couple small projects (as pictured). The stuffed fish is a catnip toy for Bosco and Gracie, mostly for Gracie. She loves her catnip, and not only did she have a new toy to play with, but my fingers smelled like catnip after I stuffed the toy. I was pretty close to losing my right hand today. I'm not sure if such a thing is possible, but she may have OD'ed on catnip today. The kitty fabric for the toy is from cotton remnants I received from my in-laws for a birthday gift last year. My mother-in-law works for a cat clinic, and she made herself some kitty scrubs a while back.
The other project is the "Songbird Wristlet" MP3 player cover project from Doodle Stitching by Aimee Ray. The fabric for this project is cotton from Hancock. Unlike the wristlet I made for my sister last Christmas, I did not embroider the songbird onto mine. I thought the fabric was pretty busy and the songbird would just get lost. The hardest part of this project was hand stitching the velcro closures on. (You can't see them, they're under the flap.) Stitching through plastic is not overly fun. But the end result was worth it.
Not too bad for an afternoon's worth of work, eh? Oh, and in other news, check out the PIC's blog for some of his recent craftiness. :o) And, for all of you out there wondering, the Playmobil Nativity will be on display starting tomorrow! Welcome, Tiny-Plastic-Baby-Jesus!
How are you setting up your nativity? You're not putting the baby Jesus out yet, are you? 'Cause he doesn't arrive for another four weeks. And the Wise Men don't show up until after the New Year.
Well, yes, we do have the Baby Jesus and the Wise Men out, even though they have not technically shown up yet. Major bummer though: Joseph's headband was absent from all the pieces, so we had to contact Playmobil about getting a new piece (the PIC seriously called out to me--I was in the front room--in a very panicky voice when he realized the piece was missing from our set). There was surprisingly a lot of set-up work involved. I'm not very familiar with Playmobil products, so I didn't realize how many little pieces there are for each character. As you know, we had Legos growing up, but no Playmobil. Major coolness: The set comes with a storybook printed in six languages.
I demand a new post!
Also, I have a friend who, after seeing my iPod case, inquired as to whether or not an iPod case could be made with some kind of insulation for outdoor running purposes.