SMALL fresh market totes, with attitudes!

Hola! Como esta usted?

As we discussed in our previous post, large totes are not ideal, so I had a day free this weekend, and I, Herr Snicklefritz, whipped up some tiny totes for grocery shopping and other item carrying needs--like laid back beach trips or record store impulse buys.

You can see the results here!

I also had to add some attitude to mine, so that I don't look quite as silly lugging a large flowery pattern up the stairs of our apartment.  The army green canvas bag got fixed up with a Bear Skull patch that we found at an evil store that will not be named here but has something to do with misspelled walls or something. We weren't really shopping there; we were returning something, and they gave us store credit, so we had to use it, and they still had sewing stuff at that time, so we picked up some supplies--we didn't mean to encourage their monopoly.

At any rate, the Led Zeppelin patch came from a record store in Rehoboth, and I'd been looking for an appropriate surface to adorn since I acquired it.  This seemed like just the spot.

Finally, when I finished, I Crop-A-Diled the bags up with some eyelets.  The Crop-A-Dile is our new toy, and it's an amazing tool for eyelet embellishment!  You can get one for, apparently, $21!  We paid $35, but it was worth every penny of that amount. *Grumbles about buyer's angst at fluctuating prices.*

Anyhow, totes!

