To My Loyal Reader: First Video Post

Links: Sewing Green by Betz White
Local Ace hardware store

Recipe: 1/2 c washing soda, 1/2 c borax, 1 cup grated Fels Naptha soap (multiply as needed!)


Amanda said…
Fantastic! Any idea how you can make the soap smell good? I'm kind of a laundry smell good freak!

Stop neglecting your blog and good luck with the new house!
Unknown said…
The soap already smells really great...kind of citrusy-clean or something, but I think you can also (or maybe I'm just making this up) add essential oils to the mix to make it smell like whatever you want.
Amanda said…
Thanks! I'm actually excited to try it, hopefully sooner than later.
Yeah, the soap does have a nice soapy smell already, if that makes sense.

In "The Naturally Clean Home" by Karyn Siegel-Maier you can find another powdered detergent recipe: 1 cup washing soda, 1 cup scented baking soda (using essential oils, I guess you can make scented baking soda), and 1 cup soap flakes or finely grated pure bar soap. Use 1/2 cup per load.

I checked out this book from the library and have yet to try any of the cleaners in it, but that recipe seemed to be an option for you, Ms. Laundry Smell Good Freak. :o)
Steve & Mary said…
Nice video ! I may havr to try it.