OK, OK, OK! So, I've been a total slouch. A huge craft slacker. A lazy bum. As acknowledged in my previous post (first video post!) from approximately seven years ago, the Partner-in-Crime and I hunted for and bought a house this summer. We're pretty happy with the place, but there was a lot of settling-in to be done and a few small projects to take care of here and there, so my craftiness got pushed to the side for a few months. BUT...I'm back to crafting now! Unfortunately, I'm working on some projects for Christmas, so I cannot really share just yet, but hang in there and you'll be amazed! Or maybe just mildly impressed.
In the meantime, hop on over to the PIC's blog to see our recent CD shelves project!
As for my Christmas projects, I can now reveal one: I made a butterfly and ladybug for my newest niece from the Amy Butler book "Little Stitches for Little Ones." Unfortunately, I'm a total geek and I didn't get any pictures of these animals. Sheesh.