The journals are Kraft Moleskine Cahier Ruled Journals from Barnes & Noble. Other retailers sell Moleskines, but we tend to get ours at B&N. The fabric I used is all cotton, mostly purchased from local mom-and-pop quilt shops. Astute Crafty Snicklefritzes' readers will notice that the red floral is the same fabric from the bridal shower gift for the birthday girl sister-in-law (see We Set Up a Sweatshop...). The dark blue floral (trust me, it's a floral) is from the Zip Pouch, Spitze! lining. The Americana fabric is making its debut here. A while ago, the Partner-in-Crime and I bought a red and a blue fat quarter of this vintage looking 4th of July fabric. The PIC is planning to use some of it for home-made books. I think it's awesome.
I think these turned out alright. They have kind of a crazy quilt/Americana feel to them, perhaps bordering on folk art. I do have to say that I agonized over the layout of the fabric. I like making gifts for people, but I tend to stress out over whether the receiver will like the gift or think it's just a stupid second-rate/Kindergarten looking piece of junk. I stress some when I make things for myself, but not nearly as much.
Anyhow, here's my most recent craftiness. I'm vowing to be much more crafty in the future, but until then, tschau!
Good work!
Well done!